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Musical Link
Have you wanted to add some sound to your page? The musical link is the answer. Every time a visitor runs over a specified link, a small wav file of your choice will sound. This is extremely popular and will be sure to enthrall your visitors. The only downside is that you can't have too big a wav file or else you page will take forever to download. Also, this script is now only supported by IE4.0+.
The source...

<script language="Javascript">
// original content taken from Nic's JavaScript Page with permission
// lack of these three lines will result in copyright infringment
// made by: Nic's JavaScript Page -

document.write('<bgsound src="#" id=mysound loop=1 autostart="true">');

function playsound(thesound) {
if (document.all)
document.all.mysound.src = thesound;

<a href="index.html" onmouseover="playsound('plunk.wav')">Musical Link</a>

Color coding...

The URL of the wav file you wish to play upon mousover of certain links. It can be stated the same way as normal URL links with the A tag (EX - You can put in the single quotes and it will work).
You need to add this reddened section to the HTML of every link you wish to play a sound upon mouseover.

Nic's JavaScript Page